Volume: 18 Issue: 41, 4/25/22

Year: 2022


Our aim is to reach the top level of quality and competence by evaluating the papers/articles in the fields of strategy and security within the scope of a peer-reviewed journal. We also aim to contribute to the literature of the field in Turkey, to reach a respectable ranking among peer-reviewed journals and to become a reference journal in our field both at national and international levels.

The publication language of our journal is Turkish. However we accept papers/articles written in English, German, or French. We accept articles/papers on the subjects of strategy, security, international relations, regional studies, war studies, military history, defence management, intelligence studies, law of war and armed conflict, and military sociology.

For submission guidelines, please visit our web site.

Publication Ethics and Evaluation Process
The Journal of Security Strategies adopts the principle of not accepting any action, which is in conflict with scientific research and publication ethics. The Journal uses double-blind peer-review evaluation system. It is published electronically tri-annually, in April, August, and December. The Journal does not charge any fees for published articles. The ethical principles and publication policy are written by taking into account the guidelines and policies of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE).

Relations with the Authors
By sending their manuscript to the Journal of Security Strategies, the author declares and undertake that their work is original and genuine and that their manuscript have not been published completely or partially elsewhere or are not in the publication process elsewhere. Manuscripts violating the legal and academic criteria such as copyright and/or plagiarism including the above criteria are not evaluated and those manuscripts, which are found to be violate these criteria during the evaluation process, are rejected promptly.
Manuscripts presented to the Journal are first reviewed by the editors in accordance with the abovementioned criteria and publication principles. The manuscripts which are deemed to comply with these criteria or publication principles are returned to the author by putting forth the necessary corrections to be made or directly rejected. The rejection decision at this stage of the process may be taken due to the fact that the manuscript does not comply with the publication ethics and principles of the Journal, the manuscript does not comply with the writing rules of the Journal, the manuscript is out of the scope of the Journal and/or the manuscript does not have the academic qualifications to be published in the Journal of Security Strategies.
Authors, who send articles in a foreign language to the Journal, are obliged to get their work proof-read by a native speaker academic who is considered as an expert on their field and to provide an evidence of this proof-reading. The proof-reading process may also be carried out by the editors of the Journal by out-sourcing a native speaker, provided that the payment for proof-reading is paid by the author.
The authors whose articles have been published in the Journal of Security Strategies are considered as natural peer-reviewers of the Journal and they are obliged to perform a peer-review at least once upon the request of the Editors.

Relations with the Reviewers
For those articles passing the pre-review level, a “double-blind peer-review” process is put into order. The editors send the article in question to (at least two) peer-reviewers who are experts in the subject matter of the article. In case of an inconsistency or inadequacy occurred during the peer-review process, the editors may send the article to another peer-reviewer.
When/If the peer-reviewers or the editors request corrections on the articles, the authors are obliges to fulfil these requests. However, if the authors disagree with a certain correction request, they have a right to withdraw their articles from the evaluation process or to inform the editors on the reasons for their disagreement with the request by justifying their own opinions in within an academic framework. In such a case, the final decision is the Editorial Board taking decision in consultation with the peer-reviewer in question.
Articles, which pass the peer-reviewing process are listed according to their date of arrival and their date of acceptance and then evaluated for the final decision by the Editorial Board.
The positive result of peer-reviewing does not mean that the article will automatically be published in the Journal of Security Strategies. The final decision for the publication of the articles passing the peer-reviewing process is taken by Editorial Board. The Journal of Security Strategies is not obliged to give justification to the authors for the rejections of their articles.
Academics and experts who are invited to become a peer-reviewer for an article on behalf of the Journal of Security Strategies are expected to promptly inform the editors whether they may evaluate the article or not in the stated period of time.
Peer-reviewers who are asked to evaluate an article for the Journal shall decline the request and inform the editors so if they think that they do not considered themselves on the civilian academic and/or military technical subjects offered.
Peer-reviewers may receive assistance or advice for the article from third parties within the knowledge and approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Otherwise, they shall not share or discuss the article, which they are evaluating, with the third parties.
Peer-reviewers shall not use the article sent them to be evaluated on their behalf or in their account. They are obliged to keep the ideas, information, or data, which they come across while reviewing the article, confidential. These rules apply to the academics and experts who have declined to become peer-reviewer for the Journal.
Peer-reviewers shall take into account academic criteria in the reviewing process and they shall avoid subjective claims, accusations or implications forwarded to the authors directly. The review and evaluation shall be at a level to provide contribution to the article in question, apart from format corrections. Peer-reviewers are obliged to inform the editors on the issues in the article which collides with the “Publication Ethics” of the Journal.
The Editorial Board may reject evaluation forms, which it deems inadequate, or may ask the peer-reviewer to re-evaluate the article.
The information about the peer-reviewers are not published on the correction requests sent to the authors or in the issues of the Journal, due to the “double-blind review process”. Peer-reviewers may be presented an official document stating their contribution to the Journal upon their requests.

Open Access Statement:
The Journal of Security Strategies is an open access journal. The full texts of the articles in this journal are freely available without charge via this website.

There is no submission/publication fee.